Advantages and Disadvantages of Intensive Farming
Advantages and Disadvantages of Intensive Farming................
" Clearly, it could cruelly, but intensive agriculture saves Leben" - Jay Rayner (restaurant critic, the Observer) Intensive agriculture is a agricultural system, which is to produce on maximum yield from the available surfaces. This cultivation is applicably to the yield of the cattle breeding also. One could say, food in large quantities by chemical fertilizers and pesticides is produced. The products such as eggs, meat and many agricultural products in many supermarkets become using modern intensive agriculture. Intensive agriculture will by many of the developed national economies of the world one practices. Lasting intensive agriculture, intensive aquaculture, intensive cattle breeding live and administer intensive Beweidung fall under the intensive agriculture. Here we regard both the advantages and the disadvantages of the intensive agriculture. Advantages of the intensive agriculture One of the most important advantages of the intensive agriculture is that its net yield is high. With the introduction of the intensive agriculture, produce the farm such as vegetables, fruit and poultry products more cheaply nascently. This means that poor humans can carry a balanced and nutrient-rich nutrition out. Many mean, are bio food payable only for realms and the elite the layers of the society. Apart from the fact are large agricultural surfaces for the cultivation of ecological cultures with natural fertilizer. But with the introduction of the intensive agriculture the space requirement for the agriculture becomes less. A further advantage of the intensive agriculture is that large productivity of food is possible, with less quantity of country. This would help to become fair the constantly growing demand for food. Compared with the disadvantages, the advantages of intensive agriculture are less. Disadvantages of the intensive agriculture Remember, intensive agriculture contains the use of the different kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides. Apart from the fact the intensive agriculture is also with enterprises, those animals holds over its photograph capacity and this could to contamination and different diseases leads associated. Reports and studies show, intensive agriculture concern and change the environment in various way. The forests are destroyed, large open fields produce and this could to ground erosion lead. The intensive agriculture affects itself the natural habitats in the forests. Use of chemical fertilizers contaminates waters such as lakes and rivers in the proximity of the agricultural surfaces. Pesticides sprayed on plants parasits do not only destroy and pollute the harvests, but also good insects kill. Finally these chemicals are passed on on humans. The fruit and vegetable bought enterprises, which are intensive agriculture with invisible pesticide be promoted must. These are not easily washed off. The arrears of pesticides, the health of humans. The statistics show an increase of the number of the cancer patients. The researchers mean, the consumption of inorganic vegetables, fruit, poultry and meat one of the reasons could be probable. There are many hybrid sorts of cattle and poultry today. The cattle and poultry are injected with hormones and other chemicals for the increase of the yield. There is a tug-of-war between the animal welfare activists and farmers of the intensive agriculture. However the debate still is under way, without much success. There are both Vor-und of disadvantages with the promotion of the intensive agriculture. Intensive agriculture contains genetic selection and breeding of plants and animals. Artificial growth hormones and inorganic plant nutrients are mixed with the fertilizer and Viehfutter. From it the highest yield of all times results. On the one side the health of humans is to a large extent concerned by the intensive agriculture, while argued on the other side, then that for arms and needy ones out cannot carry simply bio food.