Growing Bitter Melon Plants
Growing Bitter Melon Plants.............
Bitterly Melon plans Bitterly melon is in many countries in Asia found. It is also an alternative to many other nations, which rule in the tropical belt of the earth. It is many marks in free game course, but some farmers also regarded, in order to cultivate it. The intensive bitterness this vegetable gives it the name " Bitterly Melone". Some the other designations, which are frequently used, balsam is pear, bitter Kürbis and Ku Gua. The scientific or botanischer name of the bitter melon is " Momordica charantia '. The bitter melon plant is a climber and sees much like a cucumber vine. The vine bitter melon is from curved growth, climbing and blooms, which are characterized brilliant yellow color. The bitter melon is a looking very strange vegetable. It has an oblong form and is greenish colored. A very strange characteristic of this fruit is the outside skin, which is extreme rau and knorrige. The bitter melon is used, around Curry in India. Into some Indian prescriptions to bitter melon is also roasted or cooked. Small children particularly like this vegetable of prescriptions because of its bitterness. Increasing one bitter melons The process of planting and cultivation of the plant bitterly melon are rather straight-line. The bitter melon plant does not require much care, how the plant, which is wildly adapted. In the following some the steps for the cultivation a bitter melon is trousers. * Step 1: The bitter melon seed do not become now available in most tropical countries. They will have to the cash nearest kindergarten or botanischen garden in your proximity. A further possibility for the acquisition of the seeds will then order over the Internet. * Step 2: The next step is, in order to germinate the seeds. Over the seeds germinate, hold them in water for one time interval of approximately 48 hours. After 48 hours the seeds begin to swell. Take the outside covering of the seed. You are carefully when removing the cover and do not damage seeds on the inside. * Step 3: Make a small hole in the damp ground that about ¾ tariff is deep. It is very important, in order to keep the ground damp, until the green sprouts appears to the plant from the ground. These shoot are botanisch as Keimblatt well-known. It takes about one week for the Keimblatt on the surface of the ground comes. * Step 4: The bitter melon plant must have after approximately two sheets on their shoots appeared to be transplanted. The place of the transplant must drying and also sunny, like this plant is a victim of mushroom diseases. Put a six meters high bar into the ground, which works like a support for the climber. Transplant bitterly the Lemon climbers on a sunny day, if the temperature about 60 degrees of Fahrenheit. It is also very important that the roots and the earth are not disturbed around the roots, while the Schlingpflanze is transplanted. * Step 5: In order to harvest better bitter melons, the Schlingpflanze water daily preferably in the morning. Even if possible, place something hay or grass approximately around the basis of the Schlingpflanze, around the ground damp. They can also bind the Schlingpflanze with a tender cotton or Wollfäden to the bar. * Step 6: In tropical or warm conditions those appears bitter Lemon on the Schlingpflanze after one time interval of approximately 80 days starting from the day of the transplant.