Cauliflower is more difficult, in some climate zones than its cousin, Brokkoli grows, but the expenditure is worthwhile itself. And the wages large, attractive head from your garden give a large feeling of the satisfaction to the harvest. Plants grow best in cool (under 70 degrees of F) weather. In most places it is better, it plant 90 days before the first frost falls heads in cool weather becomes due in such a way. Traditional weißköpfige cauliflower necessarily for gardners of sheets over the developing countries head bind to mild taste and the development from snow-white quark to ensure. Some newer sorts of outside sheets, those naturally cover of the head, whereby the necessity to the Blanchieren. Sorts, the heads of the orange, purple, or Chartreuse need to develop also no colored Blanchieren. Light: So, part so Type plans: Costermonger Plant height: 8-30 cm largely Width plans: 8-30 cm broad