Corn salad
Corn salad.............
This cool season green has spoon form of sheets with a mild nussigen taste. Also as if make, it is a Gourmet salad green, for top dollar gets in the supermarket. But one can enjoy oneself money by increasing it its mild nussigen taste directly from your garden to store. It is sometimes field salad mentioned, because sheep graze it in Europe. Make successive planting every three weeks to ensure during weather coolly constant harvest. Plants lose their nussigen taste, while they age. Use field salad roughly in salads or steam or Wok with olive oil and garlic. It is winter hard up to 5 degrees Celsius, then harvests can far in autumn or winter. Light: So, part so Type plans: Costermonger Plant height: 2-4 tariff largely Width plans: 4-6 tariff broadly