Easy Grow Vegetables - Bell Peppers
Easy Grow Vegetables - Bell Peppers..............
The decision, which can grow vegetables sometimes a little complicated. Naturally there are many things to consider, like e.g. Season, place and cultivation conditions, but the one important factor that everyone wants to think first about it, is the taste. There is absolutely no sense, which to cultivation of vegetable you do not go eating. Brassicas? No! Memories of childhood, as a herb was a family basic food are so easy not to overcome, although a finer kitchen beginning can subtly to produce spicy taste. But one vegetables, seems a winner in many cultures and also with children is the sumptuous Paprika or Paprika. This tender vegetable is simple to breed and offers us perfect containers. The becherförmige sort to be filled can, or it can roasted, frittiert or roughly eaten. It comes in a multiplicity of colors, textures and flavours, and adds spectacular eyecatcher to each meal. As Paprika grows Paprika best fruitful grounds can be been enough cultivated in. They love it also well, organic compost or other cultural substrates to keep that the water. Use a fertilizer particularly for " Fruchtkörper" Vegetable, over you a regular supply, and it is a good idea, all vegetables of this type, like tomatoes and Auberginen holds, in the same garden neighbourhood, where they enjoy similar cultivation conditions and fertilizers. This vegetable is also ideally for containers grows, but guarantees you, it regularly water. Wait to the sheets do not wither begin! It can be to late. Needs to enjoy Paprika the sun, then they grow in a place, to receive where them a good daily dose. In very hot climate zones penumbra is best to avoid sun fire. Alternation is the spice of the life There are many different sorts from Paprika to the order, then it is possible, a row of different plants and enjoys you a selection of colors and Geschmacksrichtungen. The Paprika family does not belong also to Chili or Paprika like Jalapeno. These rich of Paprika mildly sharply to very much sharp and not the Paprika type, a sweet, should be used mild taste has and can in a multiplicity of prescriptions to be confounded with. Pick Paprika, if they are green or it for them possible make, red. Often harvest the fruits and your plants hold the production of the entire vegetation period. On the table Paprika are hollow, so that, if the seeds are removed it suddenly the perfect packing for nearly everything that you will have to the hand. Try, rice with meat or chicken, or soft cheese with Nüssen or herbs combines. There the pepper meat has a süßlichen, delicate taste, does not overwhelm it with strong ingredients. The thick skin sorts best pan courts are suitable to baking, during softer skin less toughly are better and in salads and.