
Growing Cucumbers Indoors

Growing Cucumbers Indoors

Growing Cucumbers Indoors...............

Cucumber has many health advantages and is an excellent source for vitamin A and vitamin C. it contains also numerous minerals such as Folsäure, potassium, sulfur, etc. however is the Nährwert of cucumbers usually quit due to its rich water content (96%) and Antioxidantien. Cucumber helps blood pressure, fever, etc. with the prevention many illnesses such as acid, and topisch on sun fires will treat. Cucumber is also for many purposes such as a cooking makes used for salads and inserted vegetable. Cucumber is very nutritious, if freshly consumes and roughly. They can do at any time from the difference between house-made cucumbers and those, those on the market available. Here the hints for the cultivation of cucumbers are inside into the comfort of your house. Increasing cucumbers in containers To the purchase of the seeds of this fruit, search in the Internet or in a market garden. There are many kinds of cucumbers, but the process for the interior market garden is the same for all types. English and Armenian cucumbers are suitable outstanding for salads, cucumbers and lemons are great, around Pickles. After you want to have grown, select the seeds of the sort cucumbers you, here are the instructions, which can follow you for the cultivation of cucumbers inside. * Cucumber plans after 2 weeks the last frost, like cucumber requires warm weather. * The pH value of the ground for the cultivation of cucumbers should between 5,5 - 7th filling you pots with a permeable ground mixture, which has a quantity of compost in itself. The pots should at least 3 cm deeply. * For increasing cucumbers from seeds, the seeds sow them separately in the pots, and add you in a depth of ½ tariff. It is important, to much place between the individual seeds, to hold if increasing cucumbers into a pot. * With increasing cucumbers in pots, the compost should be completely damp in the containers, because the seeds have hard bowls, and too little water cannot lead germinating. * Now the containers with transparent foil plastic and store you these pots into a warm area, where the temperature between 18 to 25 º C. * After the seed, remove you are germinated for transparent foil and retain you them at a place like a greenhouse, where them will maintain themselves sunlight and a constant temperature. * Within one period of 3 weeks receive you observe that the roots grow. This is the time, it umzutopfen, with pots, which are deep 6 cm. * If these pots of full roots and four sheets unfolded full to see, you should pinch the increasing points to become. * Now it is time, again Umtopfen, this mark with containers, which are 12 centimeters deep. Upright a Holzstab or a Zuckerrohr for the vines climb up. Alternatively you can hang also a wire to the greenhouse effect roof. * If the cucumbers grow to moderate size, delete you these with a sharp measurer.

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