Growing Potatoes in Tires
Growing Potatoes in Tires...........
Rene was a Gesundheits Freak and like that had it a beautiful vegetable garden. She had planted also potatoes in their garden. But that was not without an idiom. (No. actually should be it a turn). The turn oops I mean the idiom was that it had covered and the cultivation of the potatoes in vehicle tires! Although it sounds amusing, the cultivation of potatoes in the tires also one seems from the box (or I should say tires!) Idea. Around to grow potatoes in the tires nothing else is used as plants tires worn out of potatoes in or. In this way the tires for useful are judged. From there after all these migrations over potatoes in tires, ensure for a holprige trip over the cultivation of potatoes at home? Made possible bring it on. As potatoes in animal grow Tire back: Procure a few old tire to start itself. Old become, scrap tires are no large thing. If you do not have these, your neighbours become or acquaintance them will have! If nothing functions, your best buddy is Internet. Simply an announcement on special website, where it many classified advertisements. Regard your requirement fulfilled. Seed' y " Potatoes:? We all dear potatoes! They are not schäbig. Which I want to say, to procure some good quality is planting potatoes. After you receive it, one week or induce so before implanting, sprout in potatoes, by one them in a warm and well lit up environment. Soon enough, would see you, to buds, itself from each eye of the potato. Then the potatoes cut into large pieces, with at least one eye. These are the seeds, let themselves them for a few days, so that a crust develops. Scab is necessary to avoid there it rot of the potato underground. That is an important thing for the cultivation of potatoes in the tires. Spots the spots: If with tires completed, decides you on a place for the tires in your garden. Remember that the ground should warmly, and it should a good quantity of sunlight. Thus, take locally dependent on this. If you decide on a place, see also whether you have a normal drainage under the tires. The spots are very crucial, if it comes around the cultivation of potatoes into the tire. ' plans; Em UP: After the first three steps, you are now completely adjusted, and in the starting hole, around the potatoes plant. Now, you have not all tires of the same size to have probably gotten. Therefore determine, which is the largest and leave it first. This is the basis. Fill now the inside of the carcass completely with earth. Then you follow this with the transfer the second largest tire on the top side of the base and fill it to the half. To this work the potato seeds in the center of the tire and covers it with earth and dirt. Use earth in a quantity, around not to fill the tires up to the edge, but well enough. Then water the seeds well. For more up, how one plants potatoes, hints read for cultivating potatoes. Welfare service for it: Now you have the potatoes, the water Knullen well and planted a thorough drainage of water. Water the seed a little more than otherwise immediately after planting, if it rules in the bloom. If possible, this in the mornings, because if the sheets remain damp over night, them to diseases are more susceptible. Add a further tire and put the ground approximately around the stack of the plant once approximately 8 cm large are. For the avoidance of danger of suffocation of the plant, leave a few centimeter opened. Repeat this procedure after the trick continue to grow to 8 tariff. Up to the end of the summer, if leaves would die brown and back, stop irrigation. But the time of the harvest did not come yet, nor it is ready time for potatoes to be for the harvest. Before beginning of the first showers, Knullen move the harvest, otherwise they became putrid in the earth. Up, they hold post office the procedure of the Gigs it at a dry place. To know, how sweet potatoes grow, increasing sweet potatoes read - like sweet potatoes grows.