Growing Pumpkins in Containers
Growing Pumpkins in Containers,................
Kürbis belongs to the kind Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae. The other members of this family are Kürbisse and Kalebassen. Kürbisse are force packages at mineral materials and vitamins. They are usually yellow or orange, darkly and brightly both, approximately, oblong or oval with deep folds starting from the handle on the ground of their thick skin. When cutting to open, one can do it seeds and white meat therein. Now we want the increasing Kürbisse in containers, which are a kind of container garden work. How do Pumpkins in a container grow? There are many reasons, why humans dear container garden work in relation to other forms of the garden work. For those, which are limited to place, seasonal flowers and vegetable grows in small pots and containers ensures for the fact that they have a regular supply of their choice of vegetable and flowers. A further reason perhaps the presence of bad ground. One of the most important advantages of the increasing Kürbisse in containers is the controlling of one over the quality of the ground and that pH equilibrium to have can. For storing the Kürbis supporter from rauen climate is also a further reason for the cultivation of Kürbissen in a container. Apart from these possibilities, some humans it as a form that hobby, while others look for gardens properly prefer. Which the reason may be, at the end, also little care, receives you a healthy Kürbis in the hand to have. Kürbiskerne Of you as itself it surprises, like to grow Kürbisse then you let me say you that increasing Kürbisse from seeds is quite simply. Decide according to the kind of the Kürbis you want. Seed to be sown should at the beginning of of Septembers or Mitte spring, depending on, which enters in former times. Seeds buy from a respectable dealer. In a smaller container or individual small pots, add permeable flower earth. Pre soaks the Kürbiskerne one hour before the sowing them. The humidity into it to be set to hurry their process of germinating. The seed separately on the side and create a hill over it. Retain these in the shade. For small pots, them in the water, durchnässt to which surface, during for large tanks, sprays stand. Water frequently, until they germinate, ideal-proves in to be should approximately one week. During sowing seeds in large containers to receive, if them a foot between two seeds, do not need to them to transplant. Otherwise your Kürbis becomes seedlings ready for the transplant, to reach if her a four-leaf stage. Taking Care OF Pumpkins Achs and planting property Kürbisse in containers depends on the sort. Would be best, a good deal distance between them as Kürbisgewächse vines are to be held, thus it grow highly and to spread. Too many of them in the same container becomes only at the end entangle each other which a bad yield. Kürbisse prefer rich loamy soils strengthened those already little composting required. The ground should well drained and in the situation to keep humidity at all times. Take a container, which is at least two before three meters low and two meters in the diameter. Fill it with nutrient-rich flower earth. That plans Keimling and water is good it. Move it at a sunny place and leaves you to the Kürbis Vene to grow more highly. To make possible Pinch off the main street growth for side impulses. Preferably course only small Kürbis sorts on the Spalier. Large Kürbisse will not be held by lattices. Leave it to descent.