
How to Plant Potatoes in a Garden

How to Plant Potatoes in a Garden

How to Plant Potatoes in a Garden............

Potato is loved one of the basic food in the human nutrition, by humans of all age groups in the whole world. Potatoes grow underground, but they are not roots. Potatoes belong to the group of the storage arise as " Knollen" are characterized. More than hundred kinds of potatoes are well-known and white (very brightly brown) and red-membranous potatoes with white meat, are at home found in vegetable gardens frequent. Here some hints are over it, like the potatoes in a garden plant. Like potatoes in a garden plant: Hint Potatoes are very simple to grow, need you only little patience to have. Naturally you must take the correct care from planting potatoes to. Planting potatoes can be able to do you with the help of the garden company Websites in the Internet available or to buy directly them on local garden centers. Planting property, which grow well, and not those always certified, it of the close convenient supermarket. As soon as you receive, open it you the package and the propagation of the potatoes in a subject and you regard it aside in a ventilated area, as a few hours. Planting potatoes, which are considered freely of marks as the best are. As you are over the potatoes in a garden plant anxiously, is first, which you must know that you are expected, around her to the correct time as potatoes cool weather prefer plant. If one considers the fact that it lasts potatoes two three weeks ago ago from the ground emerges should you these according to plant. When potatoes plant depend of the weather. Examine, frost/frost probability for your state. , Predicted to planting potatoes about fifteen days are expected before the last frost date of 28 degrees of Fahrenheit or lower for its State of plant. They can do it a few days of late plant also. If you kept the seeds in the refrigerator, before its planting date, you take and put one week out the seeds them in to brighten, warm windows for approximately one week. Potatoes can grow in different kinds of grounds. To permeable ground is considered as suitable, around potatoes plant. Potatoes should not planted, if the ground froze. Potatoes can into the cool ground and light frost, but growth does not become content placing, until the ground warms up little grows. If the question is, as deep the potatoes in a garden in your spirit stays plant, then you should consider that the holes to potato planting property plant is approximately eight centimeters deeply. They are to cut your whole plant or planting potatoes, six to eight centimeters deeply into good, rich earth. A minimum distance of three foot should be left to sequential potato seeds between two rows of potatoes and it should a distance of twelve tariff between two within each row. Like it crop of potatoes can be of better quality If you were concerned crop of potatoes by Schorf (rough ugly marks on the skin of the potatoes) in the past, then you would like perhaps a few dry Tannennadeln under your planting potatoes, since this definitely help to avoid Schorf to throw. Remember, it are necessary, in order to shift your potatoes to another part of the garden each year, in order to prevent further Schorf infection. Select a sunny location. They can add some fertilizers into the ground in the top. Potato plants could last 1-3 weeks from the ground out. This period can vary the weather after the warmth of the ground and. As soon as the plants grow over a foot highly, take a heel, and make continuous Erdhaufen, to about six to eight centimeters, high along the entire row of plants. This procedure becomes as Hilling admits, which guarantees that the potatoes grow deeply underground, far away of the sunlight, so that them would be green. Potatoes become bitter, if the ungenießbaren green parts are not rejected. They must the plants evenly and regularly water, because a dry period could develop certain potato sorts (in particular Yukon gold) after a rainy charm on a hollow core.

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