How to Start a Vegetable Garden
How to Start a Vegetable Garden.................
The activity the vegetable growing for beginners to be confusing can and frustrating, if a normal planning is not done. Cultivation of vegetable at home should a simple entrance to nutritious food. The costs for vegetables receives essentially by increasing it at home reduced. There are many factors, which are to be considered, to begin around a vegetable garden in your garden will have. Cultivation, for planting, Jäten, fertilizing, etc. are different tasks into the process of the garden work to be accomplished. Let us know, how one starts a vegetable garden by presented information under. Start vegetable garden Practice the vegetable growing covers different activities for loosening the growth from plants. The basic needs of each plant/culture are the availability of sufficiently place, irrigation in regular intervals, sufficiently fertilizers and care (Unkraut-und Schädlingsbekämpfung, etc.) occasionally. The understanding of these needs and seizure of the necessary measures are important. Leave us receive information about when a vegetable garden and related facts over vegetable growing for beginners start in shorter. Information about vegetable garden Design should as useful prove. Tilling: It is the practice of the preparation of the ground for the cultivation. The ground must dug and turned up thoroughly over that it for the growth of plants. Tilling carries for the improvement of the drainage and makes possible roots into the ground without problems to penetrate. The beginning of the spring is the best season, around which cultivation procedures for the garden work begin. ground pH: The pH value of the ground for vegetable growing should ideal-proves 6.5. One should the execution of the investigation of ground pH value by dispatching the samples to experts. Dependent on the test results changes can bring pH value to the ground on the desired level to be made. Distance: Planting distances is to be regarded an important factor in horticulture and agriculture generally. On the average need distance between two lines with 1,5 m held. With this distance, the plant enjoys sunlight and achieves a healthy growth. Keeping sufficient place between the rows helps also with the production the garden easily accessible. Planting: The planting activity for vegetable gardens should be accomplished with mentioned above distance. Direction of planting should from the north to the south, so that the plants sufficient sun exposure light provided its. It is to be seen on the fact that larger plants do not overshadow the shorter become. One should use simply, around vegetables to the efforts minimizes to grow. Most questions should answer the understanding of the bases regarding cultivation, distance, planting etc. to be started as one a vegetable garden. Further information over * With vegetable plans * Like plants it a vegetable garden Pour: Regular irrigation helps, the desired humidity for a healthy growth of the plants. Although enough water, around plants should be made available, an excessive irrigation knows harmful effects on the roots, it causes pilot wetness, those to problems with the respiration of roots. The problem of the pilot wetness do not develop, if patches are raised for horticulture used. Humidity in the first days of plant growth to be high should. But after a certain time, is recommended, to increase the gap between two meetings irrigation.