Plans for Your Vegetable Garden
Plans for Your Vegetable Garden...........
The best cultivation conditions for each work must consider its total output organic vegetable garden Design. It is for healthy plants, the correct quantity of sun and shade has and the correct kind of the ground to have at meaning. Have around your plants at the best advantage, which you need, around an understanding for the climate in your proximity. By the use of these knowledge one can agree plants to their correct planting sides. Each plant needs to live a good place, where it sufficient food and water its. A balanced ecological system means that sufficient booty of predators and the robbers have enough booty. Things in nature from the equilibrium turn out, if a part of the ecological system becomes scarcely. As example, if honey bees become scarce then plants, them need for dusting not in the situation, in order to produce seeds. After the model of nature bio gardner use large variety in their gardens. Variety helps to be healthy plants. Many sorts of trees, bushes and flowers can grow in a community. It is easier to avoid parasits and diseases if it a multiplicity, if plants in your garden, because many plants of a kind do not lie together have. It is an advantage for their garden, plants with deep roots has. These plants bring many nutrients in the ground to the surface, where them for the use of plants, which have flat roots are set free. Tall plants, those the sun love offer protection and shade for plants, which grow downward lower. There are many advantages for the increasing several cultures in a field. This is to be done very simply in back gardens. Protect the ground against erosion by implanting shade loving plants under shady trees. Clover is a good addition of your lawn, because she takes nitrogen from air and it adds the ground for the use by other plants. Gardners will profit by planting a multiplicity of plants. They will lure many small animals and insects into your garden, if you grow large variety of plants. The birds become trees and bushes, which are tightened to produce berries. Flowers plant in your garden bring many butterflies and hummingbirds. Nützlinge are good for your garden, because they help booty with dusting and them on pests. These insects can become one the gardner the best friends. By implanting a multiplicity of vegetable, which knows you that you eat good meal in the entire vegetation period have. Hot weather is best for the cultivation of corn, tomatoes and Paprika. Other vegetable such as Brokkoli, spinach and salad grow best in cold weather. Different kinds of plants have different Erntezeiten. Try, a schedule for itself, so that you make harvests different times of the spring up to the late autumn. If you decide, which vegetables you want to grow in your bio garden, you remember, some sorts, which are new for you. In this way garden work can become a merry experience for the whole family.