Planting a Garden: Let Nature do the Work
Planting a Garden: Let Nature do the Work.............
Why chop cause more weeds? If it the ground, exactly what weeds to loose-put to need to switch on is. Also the ecology of the earth from the equilibrium thrown, if it the ground off. The liveless ground is upward and is drying, and which is good ground below first and that, where the Unkrautsamen is. The ground that no structure, the straight turned you under is not well on the driving past nutrients to the roots vegetables. Therefore is traditional gardner must fertilize vegetable gardens always there. The Food commission says " the today's agriculture is not sich" the ground to enrich;. The first problem is, as you the ground, weeds help to seize and grow and then there is a chain caused by events of other problems. One of these problems is not the ground does not hold the water, like it should and the nutrients become as available, around the vegetable, as it could have been. OK ONES, now can see you, some the problems with traditional garden work. Which would not give it a possibility, vegetable, no rotation of the ground or cultivating… no chemicals or fertilizers… nearly to weeds… and takes only few hours per week! Necessarily increase! Oh ya and your production increase several times, which you get form traditional horticulture. A bonus is that one vegetables the whole year. You would like to know, like all this are possible about the head to guards guru. Why do I tell you of it? Because I know, if the shoe on the other foot you to me would say! Go seeing and to leave you me know, what it to think.