Tenders potatoes, from your garden harvested and then cooked and served with much butter, are not anything little than heavenly. Cultivation of potatoes particularly is being worth, because it so many new sorts. Often try the delicious fingerling and other potatoes, those in a rainbow of colors. Skin colors are red, white, blue, beige and brown and meat colors contain traditional white as well as yellow, red, blue and half colors. Pick it small for the most delicate garden treat. Let it become larger, if you store Maische or them want. Potatoes are mentioned usually from pieces of tuber, set or planting potatoes, instead of genuine seed cultivated. It plans two minutes four weeks ago before the last late frost. After rungs develop, stacks hill ground around the shade to develop approximately tubers of Sun. Exposed tubers green, bitterly and easily malicious (cut out all green parts before serving.) Light: Sun Type plans: Costermonger Plant height: 1-2 feet highly Width plans: 1-2 feet broadly