Start Your Own Pepper and Tomato Plants
Start Your Own Pepper and Tomato Plants..............
If you your pepper and tomato plants from the local garden shop buy you have only very few sorts to the selection. The different Non profit organizations seeds saver, mail-order operation of catalogs seeds and committed hobbyists with eBay offer seeds of hundreds of different kinds of Paprika and tomatoes. It is simply to your own plants and fun begins to discover new sorts. (This method will work for nearly each kind from seeds to.) Here is, as I make it. Medical houses First you must get things. Everything which you need can with your local Discounter are bought - or on eBay! Here is the parts list: * Peat pots, 2.25 in (5.7 cm) * Black plastic bowls with clear plastic covers, 11 x 20 in (28 x 50 cm) * Wet-protected electrical heating cushions, 12 x 23 in (31 x 58 cm) * Bag flower earth mix * Small markings * Purify point permanent markers mark * Tweezers or pliers * Fluorescent " shop light" and two 40-Watt-Glühbirnen plant growth * Plastic fog Sprühgerät bottle * 16 or 20 ounces (0.5 l) plastic drinking cup To plant if Start seed 6-8 weeks before the last frost in your proximity. Here in the zone 8B, we usually begin seeds of the second or third week in January. Her county extension agent can say, the average period for the last frost in your proximity to you. Planting 1. 32 from them in a 11 x 20 firmly mix and lie luggage the peat pots with flower earth in (28 x 51 cm) plastic bowl. 2. Water of the peat pots thoroughly, until and are satisfied the peat pots mix the flower earth. Firm the flower earth mix again and pour you the surplus water from the subject. 3. Place two or three seeds on the top side flower earth mix in each peat pot and add you a marked marker. 4. Use pliers or tweezers to press the seed a quarterly tariff deeply into the flower earth mix vary (depth, if other kinds of plants seed - generally plant seed knows so deeply as for instance 3-mal their length. 5. Install the transparent plastic cover and the bowl on the heating cushion on middle heat. If a white mould forms on the top side peat pots, takes you the cover of the subject and you leave the peat pots to drain for a day or replace two, you the upper, if the mushroom away is. Germinating After 3 days you visit the subject two or three times daily, and remove you for each pot peat, to see as soon as them a small plant. Most tomatoes and Paprika in 3-10 days germinate. After or two weeks, can have themselves or add you nebulas the surfaces you something water on the tray of peat pots. Put the peat pots with the small seedling in another black plastic bowl and set the fluorescent lamps for instance a tariff over the Keimling. The more near so much the better. Terminate the income heating cushions and do not cover not the subjects. Muck the seedlings several times on the day (or like them signs of drainage show) with a fine spray from a plastic Pflanzensprüher bottle. (The more dryly, the more frequently they must fit air. ) Lifting you will grow the lamps like the Keimlinge, itself always at the bulbs as near as possible at the sheets. Leave the lights on 15-18 hours per day. And the peat pots let water as necessary by pouring water into the subject soak it. Thin the seedlings a plant per pot. Controlling mushroom illness I do not have never to sterilize anything, I have never with fungicides and I have never absorption out, a mushroom illness, which is too damp held seedlings, kills. My secrets: Never the seedlings, after they germinated. Muck the tiny seedlings, if they are drying, but not water into the peat pots, until they are on the exterior and clearly more easily drying. Flower earth UP & Care If the seedlings 3-6 are in (8-15 cm) highly, into the pot more largely plastic drinking cup. Poke or two 1/4 into (0.6 cm) holes into the ground each cup drink. (I use an electrical drill press, around holes in the grounds of several stacked cups at one time bore.) If you tear the point the peat edge of pot on the level of the flower earth medium (it does not become Docht humidity in such a way away, if it around air suspended) and to place you the pot in the peat drinking cup, then you fill it approximately with flower earth medium, packing of everything around the peat pot. Bury tomato comes like much you can, so that only a few sheets suspended (they will buried grow additional roots at the trunk.). It does not play a role whether you should not pepper to bury and egg fruit stacks, but many other seedlings are buried more deeply, than they were in the original pot. Put the cups in another subject (it to be able the same kind of black plastic bowls to use, but I use more strongly, more largely Trays), to suspend fluorescent lamps or two a tariff over leaves. Hang the lamps in an angle and you the small peat pots under the lights at the end to have can and the larger plastic cups at the other end. Hold the lights 15-18 hours per day. Take the seedlings outside and leave them into the sun and the wind, if the temperature over 45 ° F (7 º C) with exception of Aubergine of seedlings, the temperatures over 55 º F (13 C) to need. Here in North Florida, knows I mean seedlings (also still in the peat pots) outside many days in January and February. Water as necessary with water, which became with in-building station concentration (usually 1 Teelöffel per gallon) general-purpose plant food transferred. Umpflanzen ton of The guards Six to eight weeks after the seeds were first planted, should the tomatoes and Paprika plants 8-18 cm largely and ready it, into the garden. Seedlings, the more time outside those received in the internal area in the sun and wind becomes, more urgently, more briefly more strongly and healthier than plants. Do not rush attitude it out, either. If the ground and air still under 50 º F (10 º C), it anyway will not grow were limited. If the seedlings did not have much time outside in the material world, must you them before the Auspflanzen in full sun in the garden accustom. Harden it off, by it the full sun for a few hours on the day, gradual increase of the exposition, until it can remain in the sun all day long without withered ones. It is best on a cloudy day transplant, in the late afternoon. Water them one hour or so before the Umpflanzen. Thus you put your tomato plants, dig you a gradually dropping ditch and throw a handful lime (this reduces the chances to one bloom-end red). If you push the tomato plant and a pouring medium from the pot to strip the lower sheets, it lay into the ditch, and covers all, but only a few Top sheets with 2-4 in (5-10 cm) the ground. Peppers, Auberginen and most other seedlings should be buried upright, than them in their pot were not deeper, and they do not need the extra lime. Water well. Water some more.