
Understanding The Importance of Pest Management In Your Garden

Understanding The Importance of Pest Management In Your Garden

Understanding The Importance of Pest Management In Your Garden.............

Plague management can become one of the largest challenges to the homeland gardner. Belong to yard parasits weeds, insects, diseases, and some kinds of game animals. Weeds are plants, which grow, are at the place. Harming insects are an enormous number of species from tiny Thripse that for the naked eye are nearly invisible, around the large larvae of the tomato hornworm. Diseases are only now classified caused by mushrooms, bacteria, viruses and other organisms, by those some. Bad nutrition of the plants and the abuse of pesticides can also to injuries of plants. Snails, mites, and many animal species such as rabbits, deer, and crows knows very destructively. Identify the problem Careful identification of the problem is important, before control practices can be used. Some insect-ate to appear may be an illness particularly if no visible insects are present. Nutrient problems know also Mimik diseases. Herbicide damage, which is confounded by incorrect use of chemicals also for other problems. To see which it Insects and mites all insects have six legs, in addition, others, that they are very variable. In addition such organisms belong as Beetle, flies, bees, ants, moths and butterflies. Mites and spiders do not have eight legs, them are insects. But for the purposes of this article, they will be regarded as insects. Plague management BARD Insects damage plants in several respects. The most visible damage plant of sheets and blooms chewed. Many parasits will be able visibly and easily be identified, among them the Japanese beetle, Kartoffelkäfer and numerous kinds of crawler-type vehicles such as tent crawler-type vehicles and Tomatenschwärmers. Other eating insects however like Erdraupen (the crawler-type vehicles are) come in the night to eat, and dig into the ground during the daily. These are many more difficult to identify, are however to be considered, if young plants disappear to Yahoo off at the ground over night seem or cut off. Sucking insects are very frequent and can be very harmful. These insects put you to suck to their mouth tools into the Pflanzengewebe and the Pflanzensäfte. They can transfer also diseases, them spread from plant to plant to be moved as it over the yard. They know the suspicion that these insects are present, if you notice shapelessly plant sheets or blooms. Often are the younger sheets appear curved or curved. To only partly develop flowers development from the buds. Search on the lower surface of the sheets that, where will tend to collect many kinds. Common sucking insects belong to cicadas, sheet lice, Wollläuse, Thripse and mites. Other insects damage by boring in stacks, fruits and sheets. They can disturb the ability of the plant, in order to transport water. They create also chances for disease organisms, which attack plants. They can assume that the presence of insects boringly, if them small accumulations from Sägemehl to see like material on Pflanzenstängel or fruits. Usual examples of boringly insects belong to Squash Weinstock drill and Maiszünsler. Diseases Plans disease identification is extremely difficult. In some cases only laboratory tests can identify clearly diseases. Disease organisms damage plants in several respects. Some attack sheet surfaces and limit the ability of the plant, on hotosynthesis carry. Other organisms produce substances, those clog Pflanzengeweben that the transport of water and nutrients. Toxine produce other illness organisms to kill the plant or replace Pflanzengewebe with their own. Symptoms, which can be connected with plant diseases, the presence of mushroom-shaped rampant growths at trunks are; Sheets with grey mould an appearance, marks on sheets, blooms and fruits; sudden withering or the death Unternehmens-oder branch level; SAP nässende of branches or trunks and growth disturbances. Incorrect use of pesticides and nutrients, air pollutants and other environmental influences such as inundations and a freezing can pretend also an illness problems. Yellow or red sheets and growth disturbances will be able on a nutrition problem. RK first view bloom final rot of the tomato, in which black, will appear to the lower surface of the tomato may, an illness, which is caused by some pathogens. It is actually caused for calcium of the plant the inability to take fast enough in times of fast growth. Do not prevent this problem with sufficiently humidity addition more calcium is from use! Leaf ice stick shooting or shapelessly growth can become by use of herbicides. Plague management practices Prevents parasits should your first goal be. But it is improbable that you in the situation its to avoid all parasits of problems there some plant seeds and pathogens schlummerte into the ground for years. Diseases must establish three elements: the illness organism, a sensitive kind, and the normal site conditions. Some diseases can live organisms in the ground over years, other organisms are in infected plant material that on the ground falls accomplished. Some organisms are accomplished illness by insects. Good hygiene helps limits some problems. Planting resistant sorts of plants prevents many diseases. Rotary one one year's cultures in a garden prevents also some diseases. They will probably have most opportunity to change the environment to favour of the plant and not the illness. Recover, to strong garden plants have a higher resistance opposite parasits. Plants, which did not exaggerate appropriately, but, nutrients will better in the layer to resist attacks from both diseases and insects to. Excessive ones of nitrogen often into extremely juicy vegetative growth lead and know plants more susceptibly to insects and diseases of problems as well as their decrease winter hardness. Correct irrigation and the distance of the plants the spreading of some diseases limits. Some kinds need illness freely standing water to spread in while other kinds need only high air humidity. Correct distance provides for a good ventilation around plants. Trickle irrigation, where the water is applied on the ground and the work does not leave to be helpful. Barriers can be effective, exclude around some parasits. Mulchen is effective against weeds. Fences can limit the damage from rabbits. Row covers insect-ate on young vegetable plants to prevent. Netting can be used for small fruit trees and berries, around damage by birds border.

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