Vegetable Gardening With Yams Or Sweet Potatoes
Vegetable Gardening With Yams Or Sweet Potatoes..............
The actual Yamswurzel is definitely a tuber from tropical Weinstock and is at all no relationship to a sweet potato. " True" Yams are confounded often with a sweet potato and the sweet potato suffer the same fate. " wahre" Yam is a very popular vegetable in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. But it is heavy to find this with difficulty understandable vegetable in the United States but it becomes ever more popular. The Yamswurzel perhaps in local Asian and African markets. It is possible that it could be found in some local American food, but it would have search. Why is so important all of this and who worries really? Now, it is passed on compeletly a different vegetable as the unique as Yamswurzel. It has also some very good Nährwert, which I into in this informative article will go a little later. The true sweet potato is found in several hundred sorts with the fleshy part under it many colors as white, ivory, yellow or violet. The thick skin of the Yamswurzel is usually brownishly black. Here is the part, where a difference like your sweet potato May from 08 to 12 centimeters long your Yamswurzel to seven meters grow grow can are found. There you find a true sweet potato also when cooking that the texture is slippery and a stärkehaltige appearance. The taste can as somewhat erdig and hardy. This descriptive does not describe the well-known Yams, those on many American holiday metal sheets real answer on the heading to appear is its vacation Yamswurzel is real a sweet potato. It had been sold as Yamswurzel, but it is really an orange sweet potato. This of producers of this kind of sweet potato tries, it from that white-fleshy sweet potato of most humans recognition distinquish led. This is not to followers that Yams not a desirable vegetable, since they are a large source of vitamin B6. High consumption of vitamin B6 indicated a decrease of the risk of heart illnesses. " wahre" Yam in pieces or disks in foil sealed to be probably sold. It will struggle in any case a fight, over with seven a foot tuber weighs scarcely 150 £. The Yamswurzel is also a good source for potassium, which supports with control of the blood pressure. A storage protein as " dioscorin" admits are, can become of use for at increased blood pressure the suffering. " True" Yams usually a sweet potato in each prescription replace demand sweet potatoes. It is a condition that it breaks from sweet potatoes, a sweet potato can not in the Rohzustand is eaten, there it is poisonous before cooking. it is not intelligent, ungekocht Yams in your refrigerator stores, but holds it in a cool and dark place, which is well ventilated up to ten days for. They should not store it in the locked plastic bag separate to be loosely stored. After all can enjoy, those you really " true Yams" , by it a Püree of the Yamswurzel and with something milk and season with Tamari, Koriander, Kümmel and Cayennepfeffer for delectible taste. A good agitating roast addition breaking it into Fenchel, bulbs and Champignons become made. Isn't it tried time, you something else? I am safe, this vegetable it easier will find in the large cities than in rural areas, but the time is worth to look for it.