
Health Benefits of Avocado

Health Benefits of Avocado

Health Benefits of Avocado..............

Avocado is a pear form with dark green or blackish skin with large seed. It is a fruit of the kind Persea in the Lauraceae family. Avocado is on the hate list of those persons, the weight to often lose wants, but Avocado should be each Mrs. the best friend. They are rich at vitamin E, which becomes allegedly a beauty vitamin, because she is valuable for a healthy skin and the prevention of folds. Avocados supply also a considerable quantity to potassium and large quantities extremely healthy simply insatiated fats. These above all oleic acid and other nutrients contained, the Avocado make them to one the strongest Antioxidantien food. Pürierte Avocado is good for patient, ill children and those, who recover from the enterprise as easily digestible and contains some antibacterial and antimykotische chemicals. Nährwerte: Per 100 G. * Vitamin A: 290 I.U * Thiamin: 290 mg. * Niacin: 1.1 mg. * Vitamin C: 16 mg. * Calcium: 10 mg. * Phosphorus: 38 mg. * Fat: 26.4 G. (simply insatiated) * Coal hydrates: 5.1 G. * Protein: 1.7 G. * Calories: 245 Health advantages of Avocado: 1. For malnutrition due to the plentiful supply of vitamins and minerals. 2. Easily by ulcer patient taken. 3. Inflamed conditions of the mucous membranes, in particular the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. 4. Assistance into marks Impotenz because of its wealth at nutrients. 5. Favourably for women in the change years 6. Blockage 7. Sleeplessness 8. Nervousness 9. For young and healthy skin use oil of avocado. It is good face oil.

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