Health Benefits of Carrot
Health Benefits of Carrot.............
Carrot Daucus carota sativus is the parsley family. Carrot grew a vegetable because of their edible root. Raw carrots are eaten in salads and are mixed with some deliciousnesses. Carrots contain Carotin, a chemical, which is converted into vitamin A will from the body, help it to prevent Nachtblindheit. Health advantages of carrots: 1. Carrot knows the quality of the mother's milk. 2. Carrots to improve know the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. 3. If daily taken Cholesterin and blood pressure can lower. 4. Raw contain beta Carotin, a strong anti-oxide to, which can prevent cancer. 5. Carrot saft, if met everyday physical prevents infections and states, it is valuable for the suprarenal bodies (small endokrinen glands lain above the kidneys). 6. Carrots can for the improvement of vision. 7. Carrot can for the increase of the Menstruation. 8. Carrots can adjust the blood sugar mirror. 9. Carrots to promote know colon health, because carrot is richly at ballast materials. Carrot is also helpful, in the following cases: Sleeplessness, kidneys, liver, Gallenblase, Alzheimer illness, Colitis, ulcer painful urination inflamed obesity, poisoning of the blood, gum illnesses, Vitamin-und mineral material content: * Vitamin A 12,000 I.U, * Vitamin B, Thiamin B: 0.06 mg. * Riboflavin: 0.06 mg. * Niacin: ,5 mg. * Vitamin C: 5 mg. * Vitamin D, E, G, K & * Calcium: 39 mg. * Iron: ,8 mg. * Phosphorus: 37 mg. * Fat: 0.3 g * Coal hydrates: 9.3 G. * Protein: 1.2gm. * Calories: 42