Health Benefits of Cucumber
Health Benefits of Cucumber............
Cucumber is a fruit, which came from the same family as Kürbis, Zucchini and Kürbisse other one. It has a dark-green bowl and white meat juicy. There is 2 kinds of cucumbers a pickling sorts and cutting sorts open. Pickling sort is relatively small (2 to 4 cm long). Nährwerte: Per 100 G. * Vitamin A 180 I.U. * Niacin trace * Vitamin C 9 mg. * 32 mg calcium. * 1.8 mg iron. * 27 mg phosphorus. * 80 mg potassium. * Coal hydrates 17 genetically changed. * Calories of 70 Reports use for the health: * Cucumber is best admits natural Diuretikum, sezernierenden and promotion the river of the urine. * Helps diseases in the kidney and bladder. * Liver illnesses * Illnesses of the pancreas * The content of potassium of cucumbers makes it very useful for conditions high and low blood pressure. * Cucumber contains Erepsin, which helps to digest enzyme, around protein. * High Silizium-und sulphur content of the cucumber is to promote the growth of the hair, in particular, if the saft of the cucumber on the saft of the carrots, head salad and spinach added. * A mixture from cucumber saft with carrot saft should be useful for rheumatism tables illnesses by excessive urine acid in the body. * Cucumber saft is also valuable for the assistance illnesses of the teeth, the gums, particularly in cases of gum decrease. * The high mineral portion of this vegetable helps to prevent also fragmentation of the nails of the fingers and toes. * Cucumbers, radish and are favourable bitter Kürbis with diabetes.