
Health Benefits of Soybean

Health Benefits of Soybean

Health Benefits of Soybean..............

Coal hydrates, fat, protein, of vitamins, of mineral materials contains soy beans such as calcium, Folsäure and iron. The protein in soy contains all essential amino acids, which is appropriate for the human health. Soy beans Nährwert of soy: Per 100 G. * Vitamin A: 110 I.U. * Vitamin B: 1.07 mg Thiamin;. * Niacin: 2.3 mg. * Vitamin C: Trace * Calcium: Trace * Iron: 8.0 mg. * Phosphorus: 586 mg. * Potassium: 540 mg. * Fat: 18.1 G. * Coal hydrates: 34.8 G. * Protein: 34.0 G. * Calories: 331 Health advantages of soy: * Soy is an excellent food for diabetes. * It is easily digestible and is one the most flowering and bodybuilding food of the world. * It is particularly good for children in growth, growth and development assistance. * Soy has a high content Lecithin and is thus for the psychological fatigue and to the protection against Cholesterinablagerungen excellent. * It was maintained the fact that Lecithin Cholesterin in the blood lowers by emulsifying of fats and is valuable against the development and hardening the Arterien and all complications heart, brain, kidneys and eyes, which follow. * Lecithin is a brain food, a stabilization means and energy dispenser. * It was reported that diabetes patients became successfully treated with Lecithin. * It was also reported that Lecithin is effective in the treatment of Psoriasis. * Prevents Gallensteine, if a sufficient Lecithin is contained in the food. * Liquid Lecithin application helps heals Dekubitus and continuous diaper rapidly. It is reported, Pellagra to also prevent, marks the illness by disturbances to stomach and intestine, skin excursions and many nervous symptoms such as melancholy. * Because of the high content of Linolsäure and Linolensäure (insatiated fatty acids), this food is favorable for a healthy skin and corrects many cases of Ekzemen. * The pure pressed oil is used for skin diseases, since the natural and Lecithin contain it. Soy beans have times more alkali than milk over twenty. * Lecithin has the ability, which Gammaglobulin content of the blood increase. The Gammaglobulinen is well-known for it, with nature protecting Kraft against the attacks of different infections in the body in connection to be brought, whereby immunity.

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