
How to Grow Peas

How to Grow Peas

How to Grow Peas.............

The pea is a leguminous plant, which belongs to family Fabaceae. Botani name of the plant is the pea Pisum sativum. The development of the peas (seeds) effected from the Ovarien by flowers and it remain enclosed in cases. The field bean is terminated in the reason a cool season harvest those its life cycle in only one year. Facts over peas in a garden and containers grow, are not here not treated. The cultivation of peas Increasing Erbsenpflanzen is not very heavy compared with most other vegetables. As previously mentioned, coolly climatic conditions are preferential by the peas for a healthy growth. Let us know, like peas from seeds grow, by the following sales. Ground and fertilizer: The ground for pea cultivation was used, to be over duly ordered. As leguminous plant pea is able nitrogen adjustment. A pH value of 6,0-6,8 is considered as ideal for the growth of these plants. The addition of nitrogenous fertilizers is not necessary from there. However a healthy quantity of organic material should be put on the ground. Sowing: The sowing of peas is usually in the time between in the middle of June and Mitte Septembers accomplished. There are three kinds classified by peas cultures on the basis of the duration of the life cycle. These types are as follows: First early (12 weeks), second early (14 weeks) and main culture (15 weeks). One should know thus, like for a long time lasts it, to peas grow to take. The temperature of the ground at the time of the sowing must to 45 ° F. become the ground should well drained and also damp, in order to make possible the growth of this plant without large difficulties. The distance between two rows of Erbsenpflanzen (to the sowing) should be kept with 18-24 cm. Servicing and maintenance The germinating seeds of peas need the correct care in their early days of growth. Heels should with a small depth be accomplished, in order to prevent any kind of damage, the advertisement Saat-und planting property. The harvest should not take place at one time, peas softly and stärkehaltige may. The selection of the peas before cooking is advisable immediately. This practice is important under the criterion of the retention sweet peas. The diseases such as root rot and Fusarium withered one knows, as the ground are ventilated and well permeable are prevented. The sorts such as Sparkle, Daybreak, dwarf Grey sugar, little Marvel, Snowbird, etc., should likewise prove under the criterion of the prevention of these problems to be useful. Grow peas in a Pot Pea sorts, which mature fast are for the cultivation in pots used. The containers for the garden work selected at least 6 tariff should deeply. It is advisable to use plastic pots there it the work at a price, less is settled. Ground used for container garden work should mix a mixture from flower earth, garden dirt, etc.; Mixing of the different media must be accomplished. Sowing is in the months in the spring or autumn takes place usually. Seeds sowed, around 1 tariff deeply into the ground. The Erbsenpflanze must supported, as it grows more largely. It is from there necessarily inserts sticks into the container for the support of the plant. The activity of the increasing peas at home (in containers and also into the backyard vegetable garden) should itself a little more simply with the help of the instructions represented an above. The topic nutrition peas, should is besides exactly examined, in order to understand more over this culture. One should grow with the search for necessary data concerning it, like peas from seeds, by this article.

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