
New Zealand spinach

New Zealand spinach

New Zealand spinach...........

Like Malabar spinach, is New Zealand spinach a good possibility, a tender green also in the heat of the summer, if regularly spinach does not grow well enjoys. In the warmest regions of the country, it can be cultivated as a multiyear, but in most regions it grows best as a warm season annually. Its taste is similar, when regular spinach, but a little moderate. The plant grows completely differently from regular spinach. Instead a heap, branches form New Zealand spinach and spread like a Weinstock. Harvest the interesting triangular medium green sheets and silvery increasing sheets and then not exactly the same as you spinach - raw in salads, were roasted or cooked. Light: Sun Type plans: Costermonger Plant height: 1-2 feet highly Width plans: 1-3 m broad

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