Summer squash
Summer squash...............
Zucchini is the most well-known summers Squash, in addition, grows other kinds worth, like crookneck Squash. Useful, general-purpose vegetables, Kürbis of all kinds are wonderful cut or chopped in salads of all kinds, including Pasta of salads. It adds a texture and a Crunch everything their own. Or you use summer Kürbisse in soups, smoldering easily on keeping of their texture. For simple summer a supplement, in olive oil anschwitzen, garlic, Oregano and. Summers Kürbisse in completely different come. They can being formed for a long time, just and thinly like Zucchini, a swollen basis and thinly, curved like above crookneck Squash, approximately like a baseball, or even like a flying saucer. Grow shrubs kinds in the hills from 2 to 3 meters from each other removes in rows from 3 to 5 meters apart. Are well-known measures if most productive producers plant, then you must supply possibly only in or two on your needs. Light: Sun Type plans: Costermonger Plant height: 1-2 feet highly Width plans: 3-10 meters wide