Winter squash
Winter squash..............
Winterkürbisse are additional welcome late summers and autumn to seasonal courts. Stuff them, roast, bake, or make them to heartful soups and a pots. And plentifully grow, because they store beautifully for months at ambient temperature. Winterkürbisse into unbelievable variety at forms and colors. All must hand, fruitful ground and sufficiently warmth and water to produce their best. In cool summer areas Mulch were appropriate for black plastic over the patches on the ground warm and sow or set transplants by holes into the plastic. Give 1 to 2 cm water per week by the vegetation period. Give the plants an additional dose of fertilizer, as soon as the vines begin to run. Light: Sun Type plans: Costermonger Plant height: 1-2 feet highly Width plans: 3-15 meters wide